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Business Start Up

coaching with me


Put god first, Do the right thing. Build

your kingdom and become the queen

that you were meant to be


The ultimate happiness in life is in giving. Why?

Because one of the key human needs is to feel important. Therefore when you are in a place to give, you give and other people make you feel important by being grateful. And even if they are ungrateful your value in your heart will increase no matter.

Follow your path

Lord has given to each of us many gifts and talents to make the world a better place and to help others. But it’s up to us to be aware of them and maximize them.

Focus on the right thing

Yet so many of us get deceived and seduced by the shallow things in life, end up wasting our time and not only do we not maximize our gifts but take those talents for granted.

But if you choose to
maximize your gifts

Just imagine giving back to your family. Getting your dad his dream car and watching his face light up, taking your mom to her dream holiday location, picking up birthday gifts and not looking at the price tag. Well these are some of my dreams. What are yours?

I started with nothing:

and complete ROCK BOTTOM!

How did I do it??! Investing in Changing my MINDSET

So what are you waiting for?

Get on a call with me and let me share with you
how I have done it, so you can do it too!


They already did this

Rowan Row


Sundas Bee

Inna Vinchenko

WhatsApp me In detail what is it that you are looking for? And I will tell you if I can help you or not. I only take on clients that I can help.
I do not know everything about how all businesses are made.

Therefore before paying please WhatsApp me your situation first and we will decide are you eligible for coaching.

Important: me having a look at your situation first before paying only applies for business coaching.




30 mins

It can be done on a phone, through
messages or voice messages
(totally up to you what you prefer)

VAT included

£159.87Buy Now!


1 hour

It can be done on a phone, through
messages or voice messages
(totally up to you what you prefer)

VAT included

£211.34Buy Now!


3 hours

It can be done on a phone, through
messages or voice messages
(totally up to you what you prefer)

VAT included

£590.57Buy Now!


5 hours

It can be done on a phone, through
messages or voice messages
(totally up to you what you prefer)

VAT included

£987.65Buy Now!

NOTE: If you buy 3 or 5 hours with me they will not be used in one go.
We will spread them out in a week, month or couple of months.

The Coaching is usually done through WhatsApp
(If that doesn’t work for you we can discuss alternative options)

For more information, please reach me:
Email or WhatsApp me +447702196055

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